Teach at PUST
Long-Term Teaching Opportunities
All applicants are expected to serve at least one year (i.e., three consecutive academic terms) and must have a master’s degree and/or PhD. All faculty applicants are required to raise their own financial support.
The English Department is currently recruiting faculty with a master’s degree in English and three or more years of teaching experience in higher education.
The complete list of PUST’s academic programs is as follows:
Division of Arts and Sciences (DAS)
Schools of:
- Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE)
- International Finance and Management (IFM)
- Agriculture and Life Sciences (ALS)
- Foreign Languages (FLS)
Division of Medical Sciences (DMS)
Schools of:
- Medicine
- Dentistry
- Public Health
- Nursing
- Pharmacy
To apply from North America, send your resume and notification of interest to ypfadmin@yustpust.org