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YPF, NAFEC Seoul, and YUST jointly operate this charitable program for children primarily in the rural northeastern region of North Korea, where the need is greatest. NK Children supports children age 10 and under with food, milk, medicine, and clothing on a monthly basis. YUST staff members purchase and deliver these supplies directly to the children and their caretakers. In 2015 alone, 47,946 children were reached through NK Children.

If you would like to support NK Children, please click here. Read below to learn more about the two different categories of support:

Monthly Support

500 children were reached when NK Children was founded. Today, this program has expanded to now feed over 6,000 children each month. The cost to provide food, milk, medicine, and clothing for one child is a mere $20/month. Please consider supporting the children of North Korea by making a monthly donation to NK Children.

Requests for Special Support

As situations arise, NK Children receives requests to assist other children throughout the country. Often, the requests are related to a shortage of supplies or disaster in a particular region. As requests are frequently made, the organization fulfills as many as funds allow. NK Children collects love offerings or requests special funds from donors under these particular circumstances.

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